
Cryptocurrency BlockchainValue

CosmoBliss is an unique PoW/PoS cryptocurrency blockchain. Prepare for the CosmoBliss launch on 31 january 2024!

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your benefits

Exclusive Features

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You can earn up to 38.000.000 coins in the first 5 years through Proof of Stake!
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You make the rules and enforce them through PoS voting. Sovereignity and Governance by YOU!
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Keep what you do with your money private. No snooping, no profiling. Privacy Built In.
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7% of each block is set aside for projects which will benfit the world
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Dispute resoltuion built in so the herd can live in harmony Decide, Vote, Govern all thorough Proof of Stake Voting. Earn and vote!
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Nobody can prevent you from moving your money

about CosmoBliss

Our Unique Values

CosmoBliss addresses cryptocurrency problems like conflicts of interest, inefficient governance and chain splits.
CosmoBliss aims to be self funded, governed by stakeholders who are incentiviez to vote with coin rewards and has a clear governance model that prevents long disputes that can lead to splits. We also want to avoid huge investors who might have other intentions behind the scenes.

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build and improve


The power to keep building and improving the system without depending on external investors. Contribute - Become a Contractor Proposal System Planned.

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Download CosmoBliss Now

Get started now with running your own CosmoBliss node now! Download the cosmobliss node, wallet and controller .
