
Investing in CosmoBliss - Basic Economy - The real passive incomeinvesting Cosmobliss

Why should you invest in CosmoBliss - Basic Economy Explained


BY Admin / ON Nov 07, 2023

Why are cryptocurrency coins so valuable? What makes CosmoBliss have value? You’ll discover why CosmoBliss can be considered true passive income!

CosmoBliss is deflationary, it increases in value over time!

It’s not news to know that fiat, paper money or the digital one in your bank is subsceptible to a huge problem. It’s a problem that eats away at your hard earned money.

Inflation. Inflation is simply when a central bank decides to print more money (Trillions of $). This means that your $1000 can buy less with around 7% per year. Sometimes even more. This means that $1000 from 10 years ago was worth maybe 10 times than $1000 today! You can subsitute the dollar for your favorite currency such as the Euro and you get the same results

What’s unique about cryptocurrency coins such as CosmoBliss is that it’s deflationary meaning that its value will naturally go UP when compared to fiat. Each year as inflation surges, the price in dollars/euro for a cosmobliss will go up naturally.

Because there will be a maximum of 97.000.000 COINS over it’s lifetime, you’re insured against inflation. THe coins will be released gradually as to make the market value stable.

What’s more, the more you use CosmoBliss to pay for big purchases ($1000~$10.000) the more it’s value increases.

What is Proof of stake Voting?

Yet again, why do CosmoBliss coins have value? You can use them in Proof of Stake to VOTE! Proof of Stake voting is simply owning existing CosmoBLiss, buying “voting tickets” and having a spare computer at home or even a simple raspberry PI which validates blockchain blocks when it is called for. This keeps the blockchain secure AND you gain new coins. It’s like having your money work for you. This is true passive income protected by inflation.

How to get started?

To get started, read the cosmobliss detailed description , early benefits , and register for the premine to get coins Please note: This is not financial or investment advice. Cryptocurrency coins pose a high volatility, tolerance for risk is required! Do your own research!
