
Testnet LaunchTeestnet

CosmoBliss Crypto Testnet Launch


BY Admin / ON Jan 03, 2024

We’ve officially launched the CosmoBliss Testnet!

You can do everything you will be able to do on the official mainnet, however, there are no bad repercusions if you make mistakes. It’s actually indicated to experiment on Testnet before doing real transactions on the mainnet.

You can

  • Mine blocks
  • Buy Tickets
  • Send/Receive funds
  • Set voting choices
  • Engage in Proof of Stake

Mining has been specifically kept easy to allow anyone to mine blocks to get started.

Please do not hoard the testnet coins, mine only what you need, leave the rest for others!

Getting Started on testnet

After you’ve downloaded csbd, csbwallet csbctl from the wallet you need to set them up (read the -help command)

./csbd --testnet --miningaddr TyourTestnetAddress

# To play with wallet open another tab
./csbwallet --testnet

# In another tab or commandline terminal (use tmux,screen for ease)
#This allows you to mine 1 block only
./csbctl --testnet generate 1

# This starts generation  and mining.. review
./csbctl --testnet setgenerate true 1
# Stop generation after you've mined 2-3 blocks 
./csbctl --testnet setgenerate false 1

We’re still hiring contractors!

We’re still hiring contractors, please contact us on chat or send us an email via careers [@]
