
Software DeveloperContractor

Seeking adventurous, highly specialized software developers.

Jobs Description

Seeking software developers to work on amazing Web3 Blockchain projects.

You’ll work independently, in a remote decentralized culture. We’re seeking for applicants form anywhere in the world.

Work in your own timezone, sync via chat. We believe in decentralization and authorizing people to do their job to achieve 100% without micromanagement. Be your own manager.

Responsibilities & REquirements:

If you’re used to the corporate development job where you’ll get tasks assigned to you with no implication, then this is job is not for you.

  • Estimating the time required, working independently in high complexity system
  • Willingness to constantly learn new technologies and Ability to learn new concepts fast
  • Thinking creatively to produce new ideas, concepts and developing interactive design;
  • Creative and critical thinking
  • Good communication and writing skills
  • Get it Done mentality

Seeking Developers

Go developers
  • expected to be familiar with go standard library and tooling, glide dependency management, and writing test coverage
  • consensus node daemon
  • wallet daemon
  • voting pools, mining pools
  • pull request review and revision
  • go test coverage
  • full block consensus test coverage
  • rpc test harness coverage
  • general code audit
  • security audit
JavaScript developers
  • expected to be versed in Electron, Node.js, React, AngularJS, Redux, jQuery, JavaScript, CSS and HTML
  • cross platform wallet UI/UX
  • general code audit
  • security audit
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Job Details

  • Location

    Remote, Anywhere in the world

  • Job Category

    Golang Software Developer, Full Stack Software Developer, Front-End Developer

  • Job Type

    Part Time, Full time

  • Posted Date

    23 Nov 2023