
The Early Always WinEarn Coins

Don’t loose this unique opportunity! Join the Early CosmoBliss Private Community.

Up to 97.000.000 coins could be yours!

58.000.000 coins (52% of the total coin supply 97.000.000) will be made available to the early adopters and innovators in the first 5 years through Proof of Work (13%) and Proof of Stake (70%).

For the first year that’s 14.5%, or 14 million coins!

Be part of the revolution

Register Here!
Read this whole page to know what you need to do to gain.

Unique Opportunity - Join the Premine

A very low percentage of 1% will be allocated to the premine. 0.5% to the initial developers for work completed and 0.5% will be made available as an airdrop to the private community. That’s just 1.000.000 coins

Selection Process - Real people

Anyone who aligns with our values is invited to join the community. We reserve the exclusive right to select the initial batch of “innovators” and “devotees (first private members) based on an specific selection process. All you need to do is register and fill in some information to prove you’re not a bot.

You need coins before you can earn more coins through PoS

Accepted private community member can get coins in ONE of 3 different ways

  • Airdrop 200 to 1000 coins ($140 to $700) for people who register
  • earn coins by doing various tasks for the community - contractors & more
  • Later you will be able to buy coins from community members who’ve mined or staked coins

Short FAQ

What are the next steps?

After you’ve registered, you will need to confirm your email address. Afterwards you simply need to

Will my account be linked to my wallet?

No. We only use this to verify that we’re talking to a real human being. The data will NOT be linked to your wallet or online presence. It will actually be deleted 90 days after the initial launch. We’re asking it to ensure that malfesant actors will not interfere with the project.

Please do not submit AI voices or deepfakes as we can detect these. Bots and accounts which contravene to our values will be blocked.

How can I earn Coins through PoW?

First you need to get hold of some coins. Either through the limited airdrop, do tasks for the cosmobliss community or buy them. Please read more about how CosmoBliss will work Before the official mainnet launch you’ll need to download the software, test the testnet and generate an address on mainnet so you can go thorough Proof of Work.

Can I estimate what my gains and wins will be in 5 years?

It’s hard to say what your gains will be in 5 years because of many factors. You can use this calculator to estimate your potential PoS wins.


Before journeying to become a private community member and stakeholder it’s important to understand certain aspects so that your expectations are properly set.

By using this website, joining the private community and accessing any other system or software related to CosmoBliss you AGREE that you are truthfully the person you’re stating you are. You also agree that any access to the CosmoBliss network and community will be done in good faith and that you will represent the community at high standards and values. By accessing this website and registering to the community you also explicitly accept the terms and conditions .

Stakeholders are Coin Holders

We want this community to be one of stakeholders. Meaning that “holders” of this network’s assets will be able to stake votes with which you will gain even more value (coins)

*NO to Bots - NO to Speculators! We want to build a long lasting blockchain which will grow in value. Therefore, we don’t want speculators and bots! Such accounts will not be permitted. You can invite your family to join, but do not register multiple accounts yourself! One account = One Real Person

It’s advised to use high security and privacy standards. You are solely responsible for the security of your data and assets.

No admins or developers will ever ask for your seed, passwords or anyother sensitive data and DO NOT GIVE IT TO ANYONE.

Be Safe with Crypto!

You expreselly accept the risks associated with the high volatilty of the markets concerning crypto assets and expreselly denounce any expectations. You are aware of the implications of using such systems.

  • “Paying” with crypto can sometimes have limited legal protections
  • Cryptocurrency scams are common so you must take all precautions and security implications to avoid losing your wallet and account information.
  • Any transaction is permanent, it cannot be revoked, stopped or “charged back”. Blockchain transactions are never reversible since they use a secure, public and uneditable ledger of transactions. Always Double check
  • When in doubt, use multi signature transactions which act as an escrow and ensures multiple signatures are necessary to transfer the funds
  • Use a separate cold wallet for your wallet on a device which is SOLELY used to store the wallet and for nothing else.
  • We encourage you to run and keep your OWN NODE to ensure the network security and your privacy. This will increase your security AND ensure you can stake your coins for further value increase. This can get a little technical but it’s the only way to ensure your safety and that of the network. If you plan to stake via a staking/voting pool please choose one which has less than 10% of total network users.
  • DO NOT STORE YOUR SEED or passwords in any cloud service or any password manager which is synchronized with the cloud. Use local only encrypted system. For the seed, keep it in a safe on paper.

TIP: Before the premine it’s best to avoid initiating/responding to private chats to people you don’t know via the community to avoid scams.

For the sake of privacy and security, use pseudonyms in the chats and everywhere else. Install modern open source high security operating systems such as Linux and BSD alternatives.


Please use a desktop/laptop/PC browser to register to the community for the first time. The Android/IOS applications are unable to properly render the captcha code for the registration. You may use the desktop and mobile apps to login later. When registering you will need to manually click “Start verification” which will open up a new page where you’ll have to confirm you are not a bot. Only after that has been verified can you return and your account will be set up.

Registrations is NOW officially open! Mainnet launch on 31 january 2024!

Register Here!