
Describing CosmoBlissDescribing CosmosBliss

CosmoBliss - Decentralized Value Transfer, Privacy, Governance Online Community


BY Admin / ON Nov 01, 2023

CosmoBliss is an unique hybrid decentralized blockchain relying on proof of work and proof of stake with a treasury for self funding and self development.

We’re building a system to give value and power to stakeholders. We want to ensure Security, Adaptability, and Sustainability. Aiming to build a decentralized autonomous organization.

CosmoBliss draws it’s powerfull system with extra improvements from existing coins such as bitcoin, PPCoin, memcoin2, decred. Adding other unique improvements.

This article is a summary explanation of what CosmoBliss is and what it aims to attain. More information will be published on our website and the documentation site

CosmoBliss aims to solve problems of hard forks and anything related to it’s core blockchain development by having the stakeholders vote on and offchain. Big and important code changes to the system to new versions are activated in code if enough votes have passed. If the vote does not pass, then they lie dormant.

Registration to the private community is open!

The initial launch will be held to a private pool of preselected peope - Anyone can register, however selection is done to ensure, future stability, security and the idea of a community.

At least 1000-3000 pre-selected people (no duplicates, no bots) are required for the launch to be considered “successfull”.

Initial funding will NOT be raised. All costs will come out of the developers own savings, past work, research and development plus server and administration costs untill the treasury will be in place.

CosmoBliss is not gearing towards worldwide domination although it has the technical capacity to do it more efficently than a majority of the coins out there. It’s more geared towards creating san equilibriums system for freedom and decentralized community. Privacy is an important aspect and it’s built in. Healing the world in the process will be an added bonus, so for using this platform YOU will also know that you will benefit humanity.

Initial launch with the premine after the community has been selected will occur on 31 january 2024

How to access premine and be a pioneer and early adopter

All details on how to join the community can be found on

Purpose of CosmoBliss

CosmoBliss is a blockchain system aimed to allow cross border, worldwide purchases. It can be used to make any purchase online and offline. It’s also used as a governance tool for voting consensus changes and staking. It will also be used to access certain software which we will develop in the coming years.

Target Audience

This is for people who want to invest long term, be part of a governance which ensures soverignity and also as an added benefit will decide where to invest the 7% CosmoBlissFund and the 10% Treasury for self development. Active participation ensures stability, security and soverignity.

We DO NOT want to attract the “famous”, “investors” or “influencers”. As these could negatively impact our community (search for famous Elon Musk tweets in speculated markets) We stand for real values such as integrity which are often incompatible with many of today’s capitalist society.

Coin Supply

Total maximum token supply will be 97.000.000 - We don’t believe in billions of coins with a low value. We believe in a few millions of coins with an outstanding value.

It’s important to understand the coin supply when investing. The more “coins” there are, the more dilluted the market will be in the long run.

Let’s take the example of dogecoin which has a circulating supply of 141,148,016,384 that’s 141 BILLION coins with an avg price of $0.060/coin. CosmoBliss will have a maximum circulating value of 97.000.000 coins or 97 MILLION coins.

So there are 1456x more coins in dodge than there will ever be in CosmoBliss. This means that in reality value to value comparison would be that an CosmoBliss coin should be valued at $846 per coin at a supply of 10.000.000 and $85 at the maximum supply of 97 million coins (which will take a few years)! (Taking the same usage, dynamics , market and other aspects into calculation)

Coin Distribution

Initial supply is 155 coins per block. A block occurs on average every 5 minutes. The block supply decreases by 100/101 (approximatively 1%) every 6144 blocks or roughly 21.3 days. Each block will be split accordingly: 13% to PoW Mining, 70% to PoS Proof of Stake and 17% to Treasury.

We believe that an active community participation is essential for the long-term success of the CosmoBliss ecosystem. To encourage engagement, 67.200.000 (70% of total) coins will be dedicated to staking rewards. By staking their coins, community members can contribute to coin price stability while earning rewards for their involvement. An additional 12.48 milion coins (13% total block reward) will be given to miners.


To ensure that the community has maximum access to all coins, an extremely low number of just 1.000.000 coins will be premined. Our initial value estimation will be $0.70/coin.

0.5% will be issued to to developers for work performed and incurred costs. The developers will have an agreement to not sell out the coins for the first 12 to 24 months. 0.5% will be spread evenly to the early community innovators.


17% of each block will be given to the treasury. 10% (or 60% of the total) of the treasury is spent towards developing the software, paying for nodes,servers, marketing, PR and building the network.

While 7% of the 17% (or 40% of the total) will go into the CosmoBlissFund “foundation” which will act as a pool of money to support a variety of causes to aid our planet and fellow beings.

3 such large scale projects have already been identified and will most likely include education as a whole, neuro-physical education, and permaculture.

17% of the total mineable coins will belong to the treasury over it’s lifetime (15.000.000) - For project funding, new features over the lifetime and heal the planet projects which will be available to ALL stakeholders.

On Chain Governance

Governance is done through voting. Proposals will be possible through a separate dedicated platform by staking CosmoBliss Coins. Comments, and up/down style votes.

Proof of Stake PoS

Staking is the primary way in which one can earn COINS in CosmoBliss. 70% of block rewards will be PoS Staking requires that you’ve already purchased, received or mined for coins (see Proof of Work).

Staking starts with purchasing tickets which timelock your CosmoBliss. For each block a maximum of 20 tickets can be purchased. Staking starts at 3 COINS. A dynamic market algorithm automatically increases staking difficulty based on how many ticket purchases are done over time. This system ensures stability and protection from outside fuddging by increasing the complexity and money investing power someone would need in order to gain access to the network. Meaning they’d need to invest large amounts of money to buy all the available tickets to cast votes.

Each block (every 5 minutes) 5 random tickets are selected and asked to vote, minumum 3 are required for the block to be validated properly.

Each voter gets assigned an equal ammount of the 70% block reward or 20 CosmoBliss coins for the first 6144 blocks. (155 coins x 0.70 / 5) Around 43200 tickets will be called to vote per month. In case of a ticket not responding to the vote, it’s initial is returned. Tickets expire after a predefined time if not called to vote by the algorithm to ensure no stale tickets exist.

PoS is done by having a voting wallet connected to a node which will detect when it’s been selected. Participating in proof of stake thus requires running a node.

The same ticket system is also used to cast votes for governance changes, treasury spends and even built in code changes. Meaning that “staking” is your sovergnity democratic tool of voting!

In the future we will implement and launch various Voting Service Provider which are aggregate pools for people who don’t want to run their own nodes and want to vote.

Proof of Work Mining

Proof of Work mining exists to provide an extra ability to the network. It’s also there to incentivize people who cannot otherwise purchase or get hold of CosmoBliss to participate in the earning. CosmoBliss will use the BLAKE3 algorithm for it’s mining. This is done to disallow ASIC mining and avoid cartels or monopoly farms from forming. (There are no ASIC’s known to work with blake3 at the moment 2023) Both CPU and GPU mining will be possible. Meaning that anyone could start mining to gain some coins which later can be used in Proof of Stake.

Miners will also earn the transaction fees as a future incentive. Miners get 13% of each block reward to further incentivizing participation.

Wallet Protection

The primary wallet will be accessible in command line, with a plan to launch a user interface for desktop later on. THis means you’ll need access to a desktop or laptop at the beginning.

Please take high precautions for the security of the generated seed. This can be stored securely using encryption on a system you own or on paper in a safe It can be reimported at any time in case you’ve lost your initial wallet. Do not give it to ANYONE. Do not take pictures of it on your phone.

The wallet is additionally protected by a password system with encryption.

If you decide to store both the wallet password and seed encrypted, for maximum security keep them both in 2 different protected OFFLINE systems.

Privacy and Security Within your Wallet

A deterministic model to generate new public key accounts for payments is made available through our wallet. Meaning you can (and should!) hand out different unique payment addresses for each invidual payment received. This makes your privacy and security better

Future Tools Implemented Upon the system

Implementation of in house solutions for the blockchain. Minimizing data leak. Allowing stakeholders to host it on their own infrastructure. Website, Community Chat System, node, wallet, and controller are already built. We’re still working on improvements. Set to launch mainnet in jan / march 2024

Open Source and Open Collaboration with Contractors

Extremely LightWeight and Performant

Due to the nature of how this project is built it will be extremely lightweight to run a fully validating node with proof of stake enabled. Requiring 2 GB RAM, 1~2 CPU and arround 2-3GB in storage requirements per year.

Open Source

All projects developed will be released as open source licensing under ISC/MIT/BSD at maximum 1 year from the release date of each individual piece.

Some Open Source code derived and inspired by btcsuite and Decentralized Credit.

Open Collaboration and Contractors

Open collaboration is welcome and contractors are welcome to join. Payments will be done via CosmoBliss via the Treasury. More details

Please see our projects page on the developer documentation. It explains all the projects which were previously displayed here.

What about Decentralized Apps?

CosmoBliss takes a unique and different approach to building decentralized apps. One way to build such apps is to use the txscript opcode system.

A secondary way is to use the Lightning Network (layer 2) implementation which in itself allows for decentralized applications being built and run on top of the chain.

Linking the TxScript with LN can allow for any system to be built.

This deliberate design decision has a huge positive impact. It will make nodes more lightweight than other blockchains meaning that more people can host a full node.

Precautions and TOS

Please read this website’s terms and conditions and the additional security terms indicated on the join community page.


This whitepaper is for informational purposes only and is not financial or investment advice. The CosmoBliss team is not liable for any decisions made based on this content. Cryptocurrency investments involve risks, and readers should conduct their own research before participating. The information may change without notice, and past performance does not guarantee future results. External links are not endorsed, and readers must assess their own risk tolerance. By accessing this whitepaper, you agree to these terms.

This whitepaper is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. The information contained in this whitepaper is subject to change without notice. No representation or warranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this whitepaper. The authors of this whitepaper disclaim any liability for any losses or damages incurred as a result of reliance on the information contained in this whitepaper. This whitepaper is not intended to be a substitute for professional legal, financial, or investment advice. Readers of this whitepaper should consult with a qualified professional advisor before making any investment decisions.
