
CosmoBliss Official Mainnet Launch - Save the dateMoney Evolved

CosmoBliss Blockchain will launch on 31 january 2024


BY Admin / ON Jan 13, 2024

The Official Launch date for the CosmoBliss Blockchain mainnet is set to 31 january 2024.

Please make sure you experiment with testnet . Prepare your CPU’s as CPU only mining will be the first way to mine blocks for the first 4064 blocks untill proof of stake voting begins. This means that you have ample time to buy tickets for proof of stake.

GPU mining support will be developed in 6 months after launch to allow almost anyone with a PC to mine

If you haven’t yet registered for the airdrop you can still do it untill march 2024 or untill the airdrop funds are depleted whichever comes first. (200 coins valued $140 per person!)

Before the official launch date (on 26th Jan 2024) download the lastest csbwallet, csbctl, csbd to get the newest version and start mining!

You too can become an CosmoBliss Ambassador and earn money while spreading the word about CosmoBliss. Join our Matrix or Telegram Chat to find out how!
